MSK Ultrasound Courses

Our single-day courses in the Daytona Beach area are designed for efficiency and affordability. 

Completion of the first three courses (Introduction to Sonography, Upper Extremity Scanning Protocols, and Lower Extremity Scanning Protocols) will earn Certification in Musculoskeletal Sonography (CMSK).

Completion of all courses will prepare candidates for the Alliance for Physician Certification & Advancement (APCA) examination to earn the Registered in Musculoskeletal Sonography (RMSK) credential.

Click a course below for details and registration. Click here to be alerted when future dates are announced.

In-person course exploring the basics of ultrasound including machine optimization, physics, and image interpretation. This course (in-person or online) is a prerequisite for all other courses.

Next Seminar - August 25th, 2024

In-person training for ultrasound evaluation including sonographic anatomy, scanning protocols, and common regional pathologies of the upper extremity.

Next Seminar - October 13th, 2024

In-person training for ultrasound evaluation including sonographic anatomy, scanning protocols, and common regional pathologies of the lower extremity.

Next Seminar - July 28th, 2024

Advanced Scanning Techniques

In-person training of select advanced scanning protocols to include nerve tracking and dynamic scans.

Next Seminar - To be announced

Ultrasound Guided Injections and Dry Needling

In-person training for ultrasound guided needle techniques, including nerve blocks and in plane/out of plane insertions.

Next seminar - To be announced

Online Classes
 (coming soon)

Our expert content delivered at whatever time and place is most convenient for you.

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